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Company Profile for American Laubscher Corporation (ALC Precision)

Company Name: American Laubscher Corporation (ALC Precision)
Address: 80 Finn Court
City, State, Zip: Farmingdale, NY 11735
Country: US
Phone: (631) 694-5900
Fax: (631) 293-0935
General Email: sales@ALCprecision.com
Web Site: http://www.ALCprecision.com
Keywords: ceramic injection molding, plastic injection molding, injection molding, ceramic molding, precision turned components, cnc, swiss screw machine, precision plastic, cnc router, cnc routers
Company Description: Miniaturization specialists and manufacturers of precison turned parts, injection molding, ceramic molding, and cnc routing parts for miniature assemblies.
Services Offered:
About Us: "Your miniaturization specialist in micromolding, injection molding, swiss screw machine, ceramics, mems, and ruby and sapphire components."

Over 150 Years of Innovation and Quality

ALCprecision is a globally respected supplier of precision miniature and micro-sized components and assemblies. With a heritage for innovation and quality that began in 1846 in the Swiss watch industries with the latest technology, technical assistance, and responsive logistic support. Today, our manufacturing bases are worldwide with locations in Europe, North America, and the Far east servicing demanding customers all around the world in industries such as medical, computer, automotive, instrumentation, telecommunications. and customer products.

ALCprecision was founded in 1950 with the primary objective of supporting the growing precision turning requirements of diverse U.S. markets. Over the years, we grew to offer complimentary high precision miniature part technologies, too.

Most of the components supplied by ALCprecision provide a critical function in our customers' products. We provide "crash stops" for computer hard drives, insulators for pacemakers, valve stems in automotive emergency shut-off valves, and equally critical function components for medical/pharmaceutical diagnostics and research.

American Laubscher Corporation's Mission is to provide North American companies and their worldwide affiliates with high precision, small to micro-sized components and assemblies from a wide rage of technical materials


Products Offered by American Laubscher Corporation (ALC Precision)

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Services Offered by American Laubscher Corporation (ALC Precision)

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Additional Contact Information for American Laubscher Corporation (ALC Precision)

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