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Company Profile for Surgical Training Institute

Company Name: Surgical Training Institute
Address: 101 Convention Center Drive, Suite 700
City, State, Zip: Las Vegas, NV 89109
Country: USA
Phone: 702-939-5363
General Email: ranthony@mobilesti.com
Web Site: http://www.mobilesti.com
Keywords: Anatomical model, Bioskills facilities, Bioskills laboratory, cadaver dissections, Cadaver stations, Cadaver training, IDE training, implant training, Medical convention training, medical device sales training, medical device sales training, Medical device services, medical device training, Medical training facilities, Orthopedic training, Sales force training, Sawbones lab, Sawbones training, Surgery skills training, surgical instruments training, Surgical skills training, Surgical Training facility, Surgical Training Solutions, Training support
Company Description: The Surgical Training Institute (STI) provides mobile bio-skills laboratories designed to train medical personnel and corporate sales forces in medical device applications and surgical techniques. STI provides unembalmed anatomical material to simulate the procedure performance in living tissue, creating the ideal in-situ training presentation for your product. Each STI mobile bio-skills laboratory is a completely self-contained 1,100 sq. ft. expandable trailer providing a "real-world" operating room environment, including up to eight training stations, gowning rooms, C-arm imaging systems, integrated audio and visual capabilities, surgical supplies, and tool washing and sterilization equipment.
Services Offered: The Surgical Training Institute (STI) provides mobile bio-skills laboratories designed to train medical personnel and corporate sales forces in medical device applications and surgical techniques.
About Us: The key to capturing market share for a new medical device is physician acceptance. The best means of gaining acceptance is through hands on experience in a bio-skills training course. STI was designed to allow medical device companies to connect one-on-one with current and potential customers on their home turf using a training platform that simulates a “real world” operating room environment. Delivered in hours…set-up in minutes, at medical facilities, medical conventions, medical device trade shows, marketing and sales meetings, or anywhere else of our Client’s choosing. STI employs highly qualified specialists (MD, RN & Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technologist - CLS/MT) to support your event.
Differentiation: Training is a critical component of your sales, marketing, and customer service efforts. However, in today’s high-pressure medical profession, physicians find it increasingly challenging to take time away from their family, practice, and patient commitments to travel to a fixed location training facility. Designed for rapid deployment, STI creates convenient, readily accessible venues delivered to “the door step” of medical facilities, medical conventions, medical device trade shows, or any other appropriate location. The laboratories are also ideal for corporate marketing and sales training events, eliminating expensive, and impractical hotel based bio-skills training meetings.

Products Offered by Surgical Training Institute

 No products have been listed by this company.

Services Offered by Surgical Training Institute

No services have been listed by this company.

Additional Contact Information for Surgical Training Institute

Sales Contact: Nach Dave
Sales Title: VP of sales and marketing
Sales Phone: (732) 718-1385
Sales Email: ndave@mobilesti.com
Executive Contact: Dr. Jabir Akthar
Executive Title: VP of Training Operations
Executive Phone: 702-939-5363
Executive Email: jakthar@mobilesti.com

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